1. What is your name? Elliott Palmer 2. Where are you from? Born and raised in Raleigh 3. Things you enjoy? Fixing things, building closets and shelving, and sports particularly football and track 4. Things you don't enjoy? Closed mindedness, sometimes you have to think outside the box when you want something fixed 5. How did you get into this? I would look at the framing of the homes being built around me and mimic the designs when I built things around the house. Eventually I got a few family members and friends to co-sign by letting me build things for them. I enjoyed doing it so I took up a job doing apartment maintenance. 6. How long have you been doing this? Since 2009 7. Oddest maintenance job? At an apartment complex in Raleigh I have to have done 10 "make-readies" (prepping them for rental). All 10 apartments went missing every single door stop in the apartment. 8. Funniest maintenance job? At a separate complex in Raleigh a fellow was pouring grease down the side of the building from the 3rd floor. This guy was relentless. Power wash the grease off today and its back on tomorrow. This went on for the two weeks I was there. 9. Any other job(s)? I work as a firefighter with the City of Raleigh, Apartment Maintenance Technician with Liberty Group 10. Why do you do this? I enjoy working with my hands and the interaction with people 11. How did you come up with the logo? I found a similar image doing a search. So I had a friend to re-do the image to look more like me. 12. How did you come up with the name? Playing around with a friend, I threw the name out there piggy-backing off of spider-man. They liked it, so it stuck 13. Goal(s) as a maintenance man? I would like to learn how to fix any and everything in and around the home 14. What is your official title? Apartment Maintenance Technician, EPA Type I 15. Who do you have helping you? For the most part I am a one-man-show. If for any reason I need help a young lady named Brittney (a former athlete of mine) will assist me. 16. What is the reason for the "About Me" page? I want people to know who's arriving and what to expect. And I thought the informal format would be more fun than a typical bio