Catering to the students of UNCP, 503 is within a 3min walk to campus, right next to McDonald's. The house is a 3 bedroom 2 bath.
- The rooms available (2) are 10x10, individual closets. & a shared bath.
($500 per month for 11 month lease or $550 for 10 month lease)
11 month Aug 1st - June 30th, 10 Month Aug 1 - May 31st
* Included with the application should be name, date, phone, email, current address (not school). If you have a friend(s) interested include their names on a separate page or in an email.
**Also included with the application as a separate attachment or separate email... state or government issued photo ID, school ID, most recent transcript with social security number blacked out (if applicable) and school ID number visible.
($500 per month for 11 month lease or $550 for 10 month lease)
11 month Aug 1st - June 30th, 10 Month Aug 1 - May 31st
* Included with the application should be name, date, phone, email, current address (not school). If you have a friend(s) interested include their names on a separate page or in an email.
**Also included with the application as a separate attachment or separate email... state or government issued photo ID, school ID, most recent transcript with social security number blacked out (if applicable) and school ID number visible.